Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Pick up your trusty bullwhip and don the mantle of the legendary Indiana Jones! Prepare yourself for your most dangerous adventure yet - to storm the evil Temple of Doom and rescue the imprisoned children and the magical Stones of Sankara! Beware the foes and hazards that block your way. The Thuggee guards will fight to the finish and poisonous cobra snakes will rise up in front of you. You will traverse perilous ledges, ride the underground railway, and cross the bottomless fiery pit in pursuit of your quest! You will call on all your reserves of courage, strength and skill. Push yourself to...


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Pick up your trusty bullwhip and don the mantle of the legendary Indiana Jones! Prepare yourself for your most dangerous adventure yet - to storm the evil Temple of Doom and rescue the imprisoned children and the magical Stones of Sankara! Beware the foes and hazards that block your way. The Thuggee guards will fight to the finish and poisonous cobra snakes will rise up in front of you. You will traverse perilous ledges, ride the underground railway, and cross the bottomless fiery pit in pursuit of your quest! You will call on all your reserves of courage, strength and skill. Push yourself to...

Paragon Programming, U.S. Gold
Paragon Programming
Action > General
Release Date (EU)

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Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Sinclair ZX81/Spectrum). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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