


Trapped - in a 1970's arcade game! Every escape route is blocked by a wall of brightly covered bricks. Powerfully addictive, IMPACT has 80 built-in screens, plus 48 more that you can design yourself - as hard, as simple, as much fun as you like. Hidden on each screen are special tokens - catch them if you can. Use them to buy one of 9 powerful weapons, or keep them until the end of the screen to score a bonus. If you thought the fun had gone out of computer games then IMPACT is the game that'll change your mind!



Trapped - in a 1970's arcade game! Every escape route is blocked by a wall of brightly covered bricks. Powerfully addictive, IMPACT has 80 built-in screens, plus 48 more that you can design yourself - as hard, as simple, as much fun as you like. Hidden on each screen are special tokens - catch them if you can. Use them to buy one of 9 powerful weapons, or keep them until the end of the screen to score a bonus. If you thought the fun had gone out of computer games then IMPACT is the game that'll change your mind!

Zenobi Software
Zenobi Software
Adventure > Text
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Impact (Sinclair ZX81/Spectrum). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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