


The Penguin is back and he's set himself up as a respectable umbrella merchant. Or has he? Could the umbrella factory be just a cover for his plot to take over the world with an army of robotic penguins? As Batman you must match clues you've collected to locate the master computer and - POW! ZAP! CRUNCH! - put an end to the demented squawkings of that overweight birdbrain. But that's not all! As soon as you've taken care of the Penguin, the Joker pulls off his greatest feat of sleight of hand - he kidnaps Robin! At the scene of the crime you must gather all the facts. Then, while the trail is...



The Penguin is back and he's set himself up as a respectable umbrella merchant. Or has he? Could the umbrella factory be just a cover for his plot to take over the world with an army of robotic penguins? As Batman you must match clues you've collected to locate the master computer and - POW! ZAP! CRUNCH! - put an end to the demented squawkings of that overweight birdbrain. But that's not all! As soon as you've taken care of the Penguin, the Joker pulls off his greatest feat of sleight of hand - he kidnaps Robin! At the scene of the crime you must gather all the facts. Then, while the trail is...

Special FX, Ocean
Special FX
Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Batman (Sinclair ZX81/Spectrum). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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