Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Above a Darkened Kingdom, a Dragon Rises!

The next great action game from Team NINJA, the studio behind NINJA GAIDEN and Nioh! Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty follows the dark fantasy adventure of a nameless militia soldier fighting for survival in a Three Kingdoms land infested by demons. Fight off deadly creatures and enemy soldiers using the swordplay of the Chinese martial arts, overcoming the odds by awakening the true power from within.


The Masocore Dream Team: A joint creation by Team NINJA producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) and Masaaki...



Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Above a Darkened Kingdom, a Dragon Rises!

The next great action game from Team NINJA, the studio behind NINJA GAIDEN and Nioh! Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty follows the dark fantasy adventure of a nameless militia soldier fighting for survival in a Three Kingdoms land infested by demons. Fight off deadly creatures and enemy soldiers using the swordplay of the Chinese martial arts, overcoming the odds by awakening the true power from within.


The Masocore Dream Team: A joint creation by Team NINJA producers Fumihiko Yasuda (Nioh) and Masaaki...


Action Adventure
Release Date (US)
Mature 17+

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty (Xbox Series X). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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