Cris Tales

Cris Tales

Cris Tales

Cris Tales is a gorgeous, indie love letter to classic JRPGs with a new perspective. Peer into the past, act in the present, and watch as your choices dynamically change the future - all on one screen as you play! Beautifully hand-drawn 2D animations bring to life a world where your choices will change both the present and the future across more than 20 hours of gameplay.

Key Features:

A Love Letter to Classic JRPGs

Inspired by timeless JRPGs like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Valkyrie Profile, and modern classics like Bravely Default and Persona...



Cris Tales

Cris Tales is a gorgeous, indie love letter to classic JRPGs with a new perspective. Peer into the past, act in the present, and watch as your choices dynamically change the future - all on one screen as you play! Beautifully hand-drawn 2D animations bring to life a world where your choices will change both the present and the future across more than 20 hours of gameplay.

Key Features:

A Love Letter to Classic JRPGs

Inspired by timeless JRPGs like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Valkyrie Profile, and modern classics like Bravely Default and Persona...


Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Cris Tales (Xbox Series X). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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