Paradise Killer

Paradise Killer

Paradise Killer

Paradise Killer is a free form, open world first person exploration investigation game. The player investigates the mass murder of the island's ruling council as they wish, piecing together clues and forming their own arguments to present in the end game trial. By choosing how to interrogate suspects and finding any evidence in any order, the player will discover not a singular truth but a truth they shape and craft. Find your truth and breathe life back into Paradise!

•    Free form investigation and evidence gathering in a fully interactive...



Paradise Killer

Paradise Killer is a free form, open world first person exploration investigation game. The player investigates the mass murder of the island's ruling council as they wish, piecing together clues and forming their own arguments to present in the end game trial. By choosing how to interrogate suspects and finding any evidence in any order, the player will discover not a singular truth but a truth they shape and craft. Find your truth and breathe life back into Paradise!

•    Free form investigation and evidence gathering in a fully interactive...


Serenity Forge
Action Adventure
Release Date (US)
Mature 17+

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

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