Psychonauts 2: Motherlobe Edition

Psychonauts 2: Motherlobe Edition

Psychonauts 2: Motherlobe Edition

Razputin "Raz" Aquato, trained acrobat and powerful young psychic, has realized his lifelong dream of joining the international psychic espionage organization known as the Psychonauts! But these psychic super spies are in trouble. Combining quirky missions and mysterious conspiracies, Psychonauts 2 is a platform-adventure game with cinematic style and tons of customizable psychic powers. A long-awaited sequel to a cult classic, this edition is every fan's dream come true.

•    Experience an imaginative, cinematic story that mixes humor and...



Psychonauts 2: Motherlobe Edition

Razputin "Raz" Aquato, trained acrobat and powerful young psychic, has realized his lifelong dream of joining the international psychic espionage organization known as the Psychonauts! But these psychic super spies are in trouble. Combining quirky missions and mysterious conspiracies, Psychonauts 2 is a platform-adventure game with cinematic style and tons of customizable psychic powers. A long-awaited sequel to a cult classic, this edition is every fan's dream come true.

•    Experience an imaginative, cinematic story that mixes humor and...


Skybound Games
Action Adventure
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

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