Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Cheat Codes/Hints
Talking Gargoyles
To find the five Talking Gargoyles for Dean, look in the following areas.
In the courtyard where Dean is standing.
The spiral staircase when you walk up to DADA.
In the Viaduct.
The fourth floor outside in the balcony.
In the Paved Courtyard.. You must repair the broken staircase in the corner. It is at the end of the balcony in the corner.
Note: You can use Incendio on Talking Gargoyles for Discovery Points.
Tidying Up Hogwarts
Go to the Entrance Hall. Go in the small custodian room to the left of the large exit doors. Wingardium Leviosa the mop and hover it over each of the four odd tiles by the golden statue. It will clean them. You will get Discovery Points, and Hermione will talk, giving you a 100% on the Marauder's Map. Then, go to the Viaduct Entrance. Wingardium Leviosa the mop near the dungeon stairs and clean the odd tiles by the large staircase. You will get Discovery Points.
Trophies in the Room of Rewards
Perform the following tasks to unlock new trophies in the Room of Rewards:
Effect - Code
Characters Cup
Meet all 58 characters in Hogwarts.
Defence Against the Dark Arts Cup
Cast all defensive spells in six duels.
House Ghost Cup
Find all four House Ghosts.
Nature Trail Cup
Find all animal footprints.
Using spells on objects
Any time you see any object begin to light up, cast spells until you find the correct one, then do it again on the others. If you see a student light up, then hold R1 and cast a dueling spell.
Attacking teachers
Although they cast Expelliarmus and deduct ten house points, you can cast combat spells at teachers. If you see a teacher light up (just like it does for other students and objects), cast a dueling spell. However, you will get a spell fired back at you from whomever the teacher is, and points taken away from Gryffindor, though you will never be given the House Cup.