Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

EA Games
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Colin Creevy 's Camera

Go to the paved courtyard were Colin is waiting. Use Wingardium Leviosa on the benches and place each on their respective colour tiles.You can still remove the bench afterwards. By doing this you might find that the vine is easily destroyed. Then use a bench to go up to the ledge were the vine was. The box you can see is fireworks, the camera itself is much higher.

Completing Flitwick's mini-quest

The Charms book you need for Professor Flitwick's essay is in the Great Hall. It is being read by a Ravenclaw student sitting next to the fire.

Completing Snape's mini-quest

The book you are looking for is difficult to find. It is in the restricted area on the far left in the second row from the very back. When you are close, an "X" will appear. Press it to retrieve the book. Then, return to Snape.

Completing Swamp Boxes quest

You will first help Luna Lovegood in the Clock Tower Courtyard. After talking to her, use Wingardium Leviosa on a bench and move it to the small "X" by the pear tree. Climb up and Reparo the roof. Use Reducto on the "X", then levitate the Swamp Box down. Climb down; the box should be on the big "X" near the fountain. Step back and cast either Incendio or Reducto. The Swamp Box will explode.

Next, you will then help Ginny Weasley in the Transfiguration Courtyard. After talking to her, use Wingardium Leviosa on the Swamp Box in the tree. A Wizard Encounter with then begin with some Slytherins. Once you defeat them, use Wingardium Leviosa on the box again and move it to the big "X". Use Incendio or Reducto. The Swamp Box will explode.

Finally, you will go to the Paved Courtyard. No one will be there to tell you what to do, but Ron and Hermione will talk to you. Walk up the stairs and go along the path until you reach the broken pipe. Use Reparo. Climb up the pipe, jump onto the ledge, go past the second pipe, climb up the third pipe, jump onto the roof, run along the rooftop, use Wingardium Leviosa on the Swamp Box, and drop it off the roof. Climb down to the ground. Use Incendio or Reducto. The Swamp Box will explode. Ron will tell you that you are finished.

Defeating Voldemort

When playing as Dumbledore fighting against Voldemort, do not try casting Levicorpus or Petrificus Totalus as they do not work against him. When Voldemort is on the platform the first time, you can only hurt him when he unleashes his stored power at you. Use Protego to deflect his magical blast.


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