Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Cheat Codes/Hints
Flying Creatures
The following flying creatures must be found for the Room of Rewards.
Seagulls can be found at the boathouse.
Crows are at the Stone Circle.
Pixies are in a desk in the Defense Against the Dark Arts room.
Doves are at the bridge at the Viaduct.
Bats are below the Stone Bridge. Go to the Stone Bridge and light all the torches with Incendio. Then, climb down the pipe shown and maneuver your way to the bottom. You will discover the bats.
Game Boy Advance Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire reference
When you are in the Paved Courtyard, you may hear notes being played. They are the same notes from the Erkling's flute in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire on the Game Boy Advance.
Helping Colin in Owlery
When you are helping Colin with Fred and George's boxes at the Owlery, stand in the center of your area when he sends the very last box to keep it from falling down the stairs.
Herbology discoveries
In the Herbology classroom, walk into the room with four flower pots on a table. You will see a bucket hanging on the ceiling above the dancing water can. Wingardium Leviosa the bucket and let it hover over each of the pots. It will pour dirt into them. Then Wingardium Leviosa the water can. Hover it over each dirt-filled pot until it spews water on them. Spikey-plants will grow. You will receive Discovery Points. Then, go to the entrance of the Herbology room. Walk forward into the dead-end hallway directly in front of the door in the classroom. You will see a rope hanging up in a corner. Use Accio. It will air out the room and give you Discovery Points.
House Ghosts
To reveal the House Ghosts needed for the Room of Rewards, find the fallen portraits throughout the Hogwarts corridors. Use Wingardium Leviosa to hang them back up on the wall. The Bloody Baron's portrait is in the Dungeons. The Grey Lady's portrait is near the library on the second floor. The Fat Friar's portrait is on the first floor near the exit to the Stone Bridge.
When you ascend or descend the steep, narrow staircase that connects the Dungeons to the Viaduct Entrance, you can hear howlers being played.
Locket from books reference
There is a hidden reference to the seventh book while at Grimauld Place during Christmas. When you are helping Ginny find Kreacher's items and you pull off the painting from the wall, notice the locket hanging from the wall. Ginny says it will not open. This is one of the Horecrux that is mentioned in the sixth and seventh books. It is R.A.B.'s locket, which he stole from Voldemort.
Luna's lost belongings
In the Entrance Courtyard. Use Wingardium Leviosa on the broom and sweep the leaves on the right side of the courtyard.
In the Great hall on the table.
In the Viaduct Entrance in front on the bookcase next to the stuttering portrait.
In the Clock Tower Courtyard directly in front of the Fountain.
In the Library on the table.
Portrait shortcut in library
Go to the library and talk to the portrait that wants to know the headline of the Daily Prophet. Then, go to the Great Hall and walk up to the front table and turn to face the crowd. You will see a podium with candles on it. Cast Depulso for Discovery Points and Incendio to make candles appear everywhere. Cast Wingardium Leviosa and an owl will drop a newspaper on a table near a Gryffindor student. Examine the paper. Then, go to the library again, and talk to the portrait. It will tell you the password is "No news is good news." This shortcut leads to the fourth floor.
Shortcut to the Boathouse in Percivel Pratt
Find the portrait on the fifth floor of the Grand Staircase that rhymes. He will tell you to find the portrait with three faces. Go to the seventh floor corridor and find that three-faced portrait. He will tell you to ask Professor Basil Fronsack. Go to the third floor and ascend the stairs to the Defense Against The Dark Arts room, but stop at the talking gargoyle. Take the passage beside him. Keep going until you reach the portrait just before the Charms room. He will tell you to find the shepherdess on the second floor landing. Go back the way you came, but go through the door on the left before you reach the stairs to third floor. Go down the stairs until you see a portrait of a lady in pink with a staff and sheep. She says to see Google Stump in the Viaduct Entrance. Once there, go to the only portrait in the area, next to a bookcase. He says to ask Gifford Abbott. Go all the way down the stairs in the Grand Staircase. He is the last portrait before you get to the entrance. He tells you "This password is absurd." Go back to Pratt's portrait and tell him.