Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Release Date (US)



Cheat Codes/Hints

99 In All Your Spells

After you beat the whole game, save right before you defeat the Dark King. Now go to fight until you get to level 41. You should have around 42 White Spells, 21 Black Spells, and 1O Wizard Spells. Now fight until you get around 1O,OOO,OO Extra Points. Your spells should have increased by 2 or 3! Do this until you have 99 in all three types of Spells.

Battlefield Reset

When fighting in a battlefield against an enemy that can selfdestruct, make sure all but that one enemy is dead. Also, make sure your hp is low enough for the selfdestruct to kill you as well. Wait for the enemy to selfdestruct and kill both of you. The battle will end, you will gain all the experience, gp, and even the battle count will decrease, and then it will ask you to try again. Do so and repeat the previous steps until you see that you have won the prize for defeating all the enemies. Win the next battle and exit. The battlefield icon will look like one that has been cleared out and the battlefield will now say: Battlefield Round 255 of 10.

Beat Skullrus Rex Easily

The first part of Doom Castle is guarded by another version of Flamerous Rex called Skullrus Rex. Most people would sigh and use all the magic in their inventory. Instead, just equip the hero with the Dragon Claw and scratch him once and he goes down. His ninja flunkies shouldn't be too much trouble after that.

Boss Tactics

The final boss is the Dark King, which is very hard. But an easy way to beat him is to use Cure on him. He should be dead in no time.

Check SNES chips' version numbers

In the menu screen, press START and SELECT at the same time. You should then get a box telling you which version number all the chips in your SNES are. Afterwards, the text in the menu screens might act a bit wacky. Just exit the menu and enter it again to fix it.

Defeat Minotaur Easily

When you first start a game, you have to get Kaeli and go to the Level Forest to defeat the monster that poisened the trees. His name is Minotaur and is really easy to defeat. When he attacks Kaeli, you have to fight him. To kill him instantly, have Kaeli use the Life Spell on him and he's automatically defeated!

Defeating The Final Boss

Keep using cures on the final Boss to hurt him. Use it on him approximately twenty times and he will vanish into thin air.

Double Level Up

When you fight in a battle field, fight the first nine battles and leave one. Go somewhere besides a battle field (for instance, the Bone Dungeon) and get to where your exp. points are very, very low. About 1-100. Go to a battle field where you don't win anything and defeat the last battle. You'll get two level ups instead of one.

Easy Items

Go to any town, and if you find a treasure box, open it. Go out of town, then go back in. Open the box again and the item will be available. This can be of great help when you are stocking 99 of each item.

Full Heal

Using the Cure spell 4-5 times to heal yourself and quaffing tons of cure potions can be very annoying. To get a full heal, just use the Life spell. This works IN and OUT of battle, so when you find a boss that has a special attack that can mutilate your party in a few hits, use a Life spell to pump hp's back up.



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