By exploiting an easy to learn AI weakness, you can score a sack on nearly every play in Madden 2004.
When on defense, pick the Free Fire blitz from within the 4-3 package. Move your two interior lineman away from the ball one click each, move the lineback on the left down, and move the middle linebacker a little bit to the right and a little down. When the offense snaps the ball, the left tackle will go to block the linebacker on the left, the left guard will block the defensive end on the left, and the center will block the middle linebacker. This will give the interior lineman on the left side a huge hole and have a free path to the quarterback, which is a tactic that the offensive AI will hardly ever account for and can easily lead to several hundred sacks throughout the course of a season.
For even better results, sub in one of the fastest players from your defensive backfield into the position of the lineman that will have a free path to the quarterback so that you can sack him that much faster.
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