Demolition Man

Demolition Man

Demolition Man

Demolition Man is an Action game, published by Williams, which was released in 1994.


Demolition Man

Demolition Man is an Action game, published by Williams, which was released in 1994.

Action > Pinball
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cool Quote

With a ball in the shooting lane, press the launcher button on the left handle 4-5 times. Lenina Huxley will now say "What I wouldn't give for some action!" This only works once per game.

With a ball in the shooting lane, press the launcher button on the left handle 4-5 times.
Lenina Huxley will say "What I wouldn't give for some action!"

More potent Combos

When using the trigger buttons as flipper buttons, all Combos made gives an extra million to the bonus.

Thumb Buttons

Press both thumb buttons on the handles when getting "Big Points/1M" at the top lock.
"Eat at Joe´s" animation and 5M points.
Press both thumb buttons on the handles when draining through an outlane during "Capture Simon" mode before Simon is captured.
"Simon Captured".
Press both thumb buttons on the handles and triggers when getting "Big Points/1M" at the top lock.
"WAG" and 10M points.
Press both thumb buttons on the handles right after Simon has been captured the third time.
10M Capture bonus.
Press both thumb buttons on the handles right after getting the U-Look-Gr8-2Day.
10M Feel Great bonus.
Press both thumb buttons on the handles right after hitting the second Retina Scan.
A gruesome animation and a 10M Smithers bonus.
Press both thumb buttons on the handles in AcMag mode.
exploding cow and a free AcMag award.
Press both thumb buttons on the handles during Multiball.
The next Jackpot is a Secret Jackpot.


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