Wafers: Ohimesama wa Kyoumo Kiken Deshita

Wafers: Ohimesama wa Kyoumo Kiken Deshita

Wafers: Ohimesama wa Kyoumo Kiken Deshita

To escape from being forcefully married against her will for the sake of her country, the royal princess Chris ran away carrying only whatever money and valuables she can managed to carry. Naturally, pursuers chased after her. Being only a single woman, evading her pursuers would be hard. While thinking her next course of action, she saw the protagonist' car abruptly stopped, and she took out her gun. And thus begin the princess and protagonist' adventures. Meanwhile, there's a military secret hidden inside one of the belongings the princess took with her, one that's important for a certain...


Wafers: Ohimesama wa Kyoumo Kiken Deshita

To escape from being forcefully married against her will for the sake of her country, the royal princess Chris ran away carrying only whatever money and valuables she can managed to carry. Naturally, pursuers chased after her. Being only a single woman, evading her pursuers would be hard. While thinking her next course of action, she saw the protagonist' car abruptly stopped, and she took out her gun. And thus begin the princess and protagonist' adventures. Meanwhile, there's a military secret hidden inside one of the belongings the princess took with her, one that's important for a certain...


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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Wafers: Ohimesama wa Kyoumo Kiken Deshita (PC). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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