Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV brings the legendary fighting series back to its roots by taking the beloved fighting moves and techniques of the original Street Fighter II, and infusing them with Capcom's latest advancements in next generation technology to create a truly extraordinary experience that will re-introduce the world to the time-honored art of virtual martial arts.Everything that made the legendary Street Fighter II a hit in the arcades, living rooms and dormitories across the globe has been brought back in Street Fighter IV. Players will be able to play their favorite classic characters, such...


Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV brings the legendary fighting series back to its roots by taking the beloved fighting moves and techniques of the original Street Fighter II, and infusing them with Capcom's latest advancements in next generation technology to create a truly extraordinary experience that will re-introduce the world to the time-honored art of virtual martial arts.Everything that made the legendary Street Fighter II a hit in the arcades, living rooms and dormitories across the globe has been brought back in Street Fighter IV. Players will be able to play their favorite classic characters, such...

Action > Fighting > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. If you have an Xbox 360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the achievements will count the same as if you were playing the 360 version.

10 Years Too Early (20)
Win 50 Xbox LIVE battles. (Ranked match or player match)
10 Years Too Late (50)
Win 100 Xbox LIVE battles. (Ranked match or player match)
All Dolled Up (10)
Set your Title and Icon.
Arcade Rat (20)
Clear Arcade Mode with 1 character on Medium or higher difficulty.
Challenge Expert (30)
Clear all Challenges in Challenge Mode.
Challenger (10)
Clear a Challenge in Challenge Mode.
Color Guard (10)
Unlock all Colors.
Crowd Pleasing Master (10)
Perform 10 Personal Actions.
EX-cellent Master (20)
Perform 100 EX Special Moves.
First Victory (20)
Win 1 ranked match.
Focus Master (10)
Perform 100 successful Focus Attacks.
Hard Fought Battles (20)
Play 200 Xbox LIVE battles. (Ranked match or player match)
I Got Next! (30)
Win 5 ranked matches in a row.
Icon Master (50)
Collect all Icons.
Last Man Standing (20)
Clear HARD Survival in Challenge Mode.
Legendary Champion (50)
Defeat Gouken and clear Arcade Mode in Hardest difficulty.
Lobbyist (10)
Create 10 multiplayer lobbies.
Medal Collector (10)
Collect 100 Medals.
Medal Hunter (10)
Collect 500 Medals.
Medal Master (30)
Collect 1,000 Medals.
Medals Get! (30)
Collect all Medal types.
No Challenge Too Hard (20)
Clear HARD Trial in Challenge Mode.
No Sweat (10)
Unlock all Personal Actions.
Playing To Win! (50)
Win 10 ranked matches in a row.
Proof of Battle (20)
Play 500 Xbox LIVE battles. (Ranked match or player match)
Rapid Fighter (10)
Clear NORMAL Time Attack in Challenge Mode.
Save Your Quarters (30)
Clear Arcade Mode without using a single continue on Medium or higher difficulty.
Simply Perfect (10)
Achieve 10 Perfect victories.
Special Move Master (10)
Perform 100 Special Moves.
Speed King (20)
Clear HARD Time Attack in Challenge Mode.
Storied Reputation (30)
Clear Arcade Mode with all characters on Medium or higher difficulty.
Sunny Daze (40)
Perform 365 flashy background finishes.
Super Combo Champion (10)
Perform 50 Super Combo finishes.
Super Combo Master (10)
Perform 100 Super Combos.
Taking On All Comers (10)
Fight 10 opponents via fight requests.
Technical Fighter (10)
Clear NORMAL Trial in Challenge Mode.
The Gold Standard (50)
Earn gold medals in all challenges.
The Journey Begins (20)
Win 10 Xbox LIVE battles. (Ranked match or player match)
The Line Starts Here (20)
Win 3 ranked matches in a row.
The Road to Battle (10)
Play 100 Xbox LIVE battles. (Ranked match or player match)
The World Warrior (20)
Unlock all characters.
Title Master (50)
Collect all Titles.
Tough Cookie (10)
Clear NORMAL Survival in Challenge Mode.
Ultra Combo Champion (10)
Perform 50 Ultra Combo finishes.
Ultra Combo Master (10)
Perform 100 Ultra Combos.
Unbeatable Fist (0)
Ruler of All
Way of the Fist (10)
Win 5 Xbox LIVE battles. (Ranked match or player match)
World Champion (30)
Clear Arcade Mode on Hardest difficulty.


After unlocking Sakura, Dan, Cammy, Fei Long, Gen and Rose, Fight him on arcade mode, to do that, Get at least 2 perfects and 2 Ultra Finishes.


End the arcade mode with Crimson Viper.

Challenge bonuses

Complete the indicated challenge with any character to unlock the corresponding bonus. Challenges must be completed in order to receive the bonus. Note: Once a color is unlocked it can be used by any character. For the Hard Time Trials, you will receive a title for each trial you complete. When you finish the fifth Time Trial under the Hard difficulty setting you will unlock a title and some Japanese character icons.

Time Attack (Normal) 1: Color 3
Time Attack (Normal) 2: Personal Action 2
Time Attack (Normal) 3: Title
Time Attack (Normal) 4: Title
Time Attack (Normal) 5: Title
Time Attack (Normal) 6: Color 5
Time Attack (Normal) 7: Personal Action 4
Time Attack (Normal) 8: Title
Time Attack (Normal) 9: Title
Time Attack (Normal) 10: Title
Time Attack (Normal) 11: Color 7
Time Attack (Normal) 12: Personal Action 6
Time Attack (Normal) 13: Title
Time Attack (Normal) 14: Title
Time Attack (Normal) 15: Title
Time Attack (Normal) 16: Color 9
Time Attack (Normal) 17: Personal Action 8
Time Attack (Normal) 18: Title
Time Attack (Normal) 19: Title
Time Attack (Normal) 20: Title and Personal Action 10
Time Attack (Hard) 1: Title
Time Attack (Hard) 2: Unknown
Time Attack (Hard) 3: Unknown
Time Attack (Hard) 4: Unknown
Time Attack (Hard) 5: Unknown
Survival (Normal) 1: Color 4
Survival (Normal) 2: Personal Action 3
Survival (Normal) 3: Title
Survival (Normal) 4: Title
Survival (Normal) 5: Title
Survival (Normal) 6: Color 6
Survival (Normal) 7: Personal Action 5
Survival (Normal) 8: Title
Survival (Normal) 9: Title
Survival (Normal) 10: Title
Survival (Normal) 11: Color 8
Survival (Normal) 12: Personal Action 7
Survival (Normal) 13: Title
Survival (Normal) 14: Title
Survival (Normal) 15: Title
Survival (Normal) 16: Color 10
Survival (Normal) 17: Personal Action 9
Survival (Normal) 18: Title
Survival (Normal) 19: Title
Survival (Normal) 20: Title
Survival (Hard) 1: Title
Survival (Hard) 2: Title
Survival (Hard) 3: Title
Survival (Hard) 4: Title
Survival (Hard) 5: Personal Action 9


End the arcade mode with Sakura.


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