Sea Dogs

Sea Dogs

Sea Dogs

Sea Dogs is an epic role-playing game for the pirate in all of us. Return to the age of sail as a young captain looking to make a name in the world. Develop your character from humble beginnings and rise to control all of the islands for your country or yourself. You can give your allegiance to one of three countries or choose to serve only yourself as a swashbuckling pirate. Build your wealth and reputation and use it to acquire bigger ships and better crewman. Hire other captains to join you in attacking and capturing other ships or forts. Where you go and what you do is up to you. The...


Sea Dogs

Sea Dogs is an epic role-playing game for the pirate in all of us. Return to the age of sail as a young captain looking to make a name in the world. Develop your character from humble beginnings and rise to control all of the islands for your country or yourself. You can give your allegiance to one of three countries or choose to serve only yourself as a swashbuckling pirate. Build your wealth and reputation and use it to acquire bigger ships and better crewman. Hire other captains to join you in attacking and capturing other ships or forts. Where you go and what you do is up to you. The...

Bethesda Softworks
Simulation > Marine > Combat
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheat Codes

While at sea, press Ctrl + Z and type any of the following "Codes":

Cheat Code - Granted Wish

get me magic - Extra Cannon Damage
make screen shots - No Cannon Damage
now i flying - Ctrl + F to Move Camera
have live - Ship Repaired; Full Crew
expu mne - Extra Experience
deneg day - Extra Money
teleport - Ctrl + L to Teleport Ship to Camera Location
fire from camera - "0" on Numpad to Fire From Camera


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