


P.A.M.E.L.A. is an intense open-world survival horror game set in Eden, a fallen Utopian city.Play as a Sleeper, awoken from cryosleep in Eden, a fallen utopia wrought with death and danger. Utilize a wide range of hi-tech weapons, equipment, and build-able items that can be upgraded to suit your needs. Meet PAMELA, an omnipresent AI overseer who is left alone watching over the once-vibrant city, now reduced to a silent monolith gliding across the ocean.



P.A.M.E.L.A. is an intense open-world survival horror game set in Eden, a fallen Utopian city.Play as a Sleeper, awoken from cryosleep in Eden, a fallen utopia wrought with death and danger. Utilize a wide range of hi-tech weapons, equipment, and build-able items that can be upgraded to suit your needs. Meet PAMELA, an omnipresent AI overseer who is left alone watching over the once-vibrant city, now reduced to a silent monolith gliding across the ocean.

NVYVE Studios
NVYVE Studios
Action Adventure > Survival
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

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