Pylo Noveau

Pylo Noveau

Pylo Noveau

Pylo is a Draconian, one of a race who can breathe fire and make their home in the forest. But when strange soldiers appear and Pylo's father, the Sage Falo, is rendered unable to fight back, Pylo is sent to investigate. Upgrade Pylo's fire attack as you travel through each level and help him defeat the numerous bosses who are out to stop him! Unleash powerful elemental attacks by spending gem shards! Find the secret treasures in certain levels and unlock new abilities! World 1 and the first half of world 2 are available at this time, and a save file is included that starts you at world 2-1.


Pylo Noveau

Pylo is a Draconian, one of a race who can breathe fire and make their home in the forest. But when strange soldiers appear and Pylo's father, the Sage Falo, is rendered unable to fight back, Pylo is sent to investigate. Upgrade Pylo's fire attack as you travel through each level and help him defeat the numerous bosses who are out to stop him! Unleash powerful elemental attacks by spending gem shards! Find the secret treasures in certain levels and unlock new abilities! World 1 and the first half of world 2 are available at this time, and a save file is included that starts you at world 2-1.

Release: May 17, 2010 »
Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (US)

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Pylo Noveau (PC). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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