P/A: Potential Ability

P/A: Potential Ability

P/A: Potential Ability

This is a story set in a next future.About the five per cent of the mankind is known to be endowed with a certain ability.This ability is called "P/A" or "Potential Ability", that means that it is latent.All around the world academies that had the purpose to conduct toward the best direction the youth that had got this kind of ability had been founded, the students that had got various kind of P/A, abilities that will bring them to become politicians, industrialists and religionists, the future leaders of the world, or abilities in fields as arts, public entertainment and sports, are enrolled...


P/A: Potential Ability

This is a story set in a next future.About the five per cent of the mankind is known to be endowed with a certain ability.This ability is called "P/A" or "Potential Ability", that means that it is latent.All around the world academies that had the purpose to conduct toward the best direction the youth that had got this kind of ability had been founded, the students that had got various kind of P/A, abilities that will bring them to become politicians, industrialists and religionists, the future leaders of the world, or abilities in fields as arts, public entertainment and sports, are enrolled...


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