Osaka Crisis: Comeback & Comes a New Heroine

Osaka Crisis: Comeback & Comes a New Heroine

Osaka Crisis: Comeback & Comes a New Heroine

Osaka Redevelopment Business Bureau.... This is one of the official organizations that is in charge of development of Osaka. Only few people, however, know what they do. As a matter of fact, the department is an almost "illegal" legal group. Renji is the chief of the department. One day, the representative of Osaka visits him. "I wanna make a huge entertainment district in Osaka." To put it simply, his offer is "to collect beautiful girls and make them sex slaves to carry out his plan." There is no reason to deny.... He is happy to receive a challenging job offer....


Osaka Crisis: Comeback & Comes a New Heroine

Osaka Redevelopment Business Bureau.... This is one of the official organizations that is in charge of development of Osaka. Only few people, however, know what they do. As a matter of fact, the department is an almost "illegal" legal group. Renji is the chief of the department. One day, the representative of Osaka visits him. "I wanna make a huge entertainment district in Osaka." To put it simply, his offer is "to collect beautiful girls and make them sex slaves to carry out his plan." There is no reason to deny.... He is happy to receive a challenging job offer....


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