Okaasan wa Oresenyou

Okaasan wa Oresenyou

Okaasan wa Oresenyou

Kousei flunk his university entrance exam. Prep-school did not help much because he does not like to study to begin with. He is living alone trying to be independent and works a few days a week to support his financial needs. But such work only makes him nothing more than a half-NEET.Yuiko, the youthfully energetic mother of Kousei, always comes by to help with household chores and provide moral support. Just like the good mother she is, she's concerned about her son's status so she hired a personal tutor to help Kousei enter a university. He is bewildered at first that Yuiko hired her own...


Okaasan wa Oresenyou

Kousei flunk his university entrance exam. Prep-school did not help much because he does not like to study to begin with. He is living alone trying to be independent and works a few days a week to support his financial needs. But such work only makes him nothing more than a half-NEET.Yuiko, the youthfully energetic mother of Kousei, always comes by to help with household chores and provide moral support. Just like the good mother she is, she's concerned about her son's status so she hired a personal tutor to help Kousei enter a university. He is bewildered at first that Yuiko hired her own...


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We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Okaasan wa Oresenyou (PC). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Okaasan wa Oresenyou (PC). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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