Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the "_reinforcementDefination.lua" file in the "\assets\world\[map name]\scripts" directory in the game folder. Locate the text similar to the following.
------------- litachki ----------------- aircraft = {} lastaircraft = {} ---------------SLOJNOSTI if difficulty == hard then
TankReinfTime = 300
InfReinfTime = 240
ArtilleryDifTime = 180
AirCraftDifTime = 300
if difficulty == normal then
TankReinfTime = 240
InfReinfTime = 180
ArtilleryDifTime = 120
AirCraftDifTime = 240
if difficulty == easy then
TankReinfTime = 180
InfReinfTime = 120
ArtilleryDifTime = 60
AirCraftDifTime = 180
Edit the "Time" values, which equal the amount of time in seconds required for recharge.
Extra reinforcements
Use a text editor such as notepad to edit the "_reinforcementDefination.lua" file in the "\assets\world\[map name]\scripts" directory in the game folder. Locate lines similar to the following.
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