Lode Runner: The Legend Continues

Lode Runner: The Legend Continues

Lode Runner: The Legend Continues

You're the ultimate thief, racing underground through the Evil Empire to regain your people's treasures. You'll be a rich famous hero - if you're not ripped to bits by the deadly Mad Monks, that is. Zap traps for these red demons with your trusty laser pistol, or foil them with transporters, gas, ooze, even bombs! Dodge, scramble, and psych yourself to victory through 150 all-new levels of frenzied arcade action! Design your own devious new levels with the fast and versatile Game Generator. Pop open this palette of powerful tools, then instantly place background, enemies, treasure, ladders -...


Lode Runner: The Legend Continues

You're the ultimate thief, racing underground through the Evil Empire to regain your people's treasures. You'll be a rich famous hero - if you're not ripped to bits by the deadly Mad Monks, that is. Zap traps for these red demons with your trusty laser pistol, or foil them with transporters, gas, ooze, even bombs! Dodge, scramble, and psych yourself to victory through 150 all-new levels of frenzied arcade action! Design your own devious new levels with the fast and versatile Game Generator. Pop open this palette of powerful tools, then instantly place background, enemies, treasure, ladders -...

Sierra Entertainment
Presage Software
Action > General
Release Date (US)

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Lode Runner: The Legend Continues (PC). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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