Dead To Rights

Dead To Rights

Dead To Rights

Dead To Rights

Hip Games
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Chapter 13: Voice access

Kill one of the men that has green on. You will see a man in yellow walk out in the open and run back. After a moment, the man in the yellow will run over to you. When he does this, and grab him. If another man runs with him, kill him and leave the man in yellow alive. Take him to give the voice authorization and you will be able to open gate. When you go over to the gate, a lot of men will be there. An easy way to kill all of them is to run up to them and grab one as a shield. The man you grab will get killed quickly. Keep doing this until only one person remains.

Chapter 14: Fahook uses bottle

After defeating Fahook once he goes into the back of the plane, when you get him very low on life he will drink from his bottle. At this time you should shoot the bottle out of his hands before he gains too much life. Doing this three or four times will destroy his bottle. Finish off his remaining life points and watch the intermission sequence.

Use the manual aiming to shoot things. When you are on manual, you can aim at the bottle. You will need to do this three or four times. When the bottle is shot off Fahook, you need to make Fahook go near the open back part of the airplane. Once there, shoot him and Fahook will fall off and die.

Chapter 3: Ledge in mine

If you are having trouble getting across the ledge in the mine after the prison break, go to the wall with the ledge and enter "wall mode". You will scoot across and will not perish in a darkened abyss.

Chapter 3: Spine break

When you are locked up "Iron Point" and are walking around in the hall only two or three people will be around. One of them will run up to you and say something. When you run away, they start to walk away. As they walk away you can go in back of them and do the grab. However, they move too much and you will end up breaking their back.

Defeating Diggs

Diggs is the ex boxer you will have to face in the later part of the game. When he reaches three quarters of his health, gas which will hurt you will be turned on. You can knock off his gas mask and put it on. Keep pressing Triangle to dive and he cannot touch you. His power will slowly go down, and he will soon be defeated.


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