Galactic Civilizations

Galactic Civilizations

Galactic Civilizations

The year is 2178 and the galaxy is evolving at an alarming pace. Years ago, human scientists introduced a new technology, the "Hyper-drive", which vastly improved interstellar travel, but instead of forging closer bonds throughout the galaxy, communication between civilizations has ground to a halt. Colonization and a battle for supremacy have become the primary goals...
Lead humanity in a struggle to dominate the galaxy in Galactic Civilizations, a 4X strategy game where you use whatever means necessary: technological advancements, economic might, cultural expansion and military...


Galactic Civilizations

The year is 2178 and the galaxy is evolving at an alarming pace. Years ago, human scientists introduced a new technology, the "Hyper-drive", which vastly improved interstellar travel, but instead of forging closer bonds throughout the galaxy, communication between civilizations has ground to a halt. Colonization and a battle for supremacy have become the primary goals...
Lead humanity in a struggle to dominate the galaxy in Galactic Civilizations, a 4X strategy game where you use whatever means necessary: technological advancements, economic might, cultural expansion and military...

Stardock, Advanced Idea Machines
Strategy > Turn-Based > 4X
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Galactic Civilizations (OS/2). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Extra Troops

If you remove all the troops from a transport, leave and then return that ship to its homeworld, it will instantly gain another 20,000 troops (20 legions). Repeat as needed. In the bug state, your transport full of legions gets "repaired" to the 20 level.



Our database was last updated: January 28, 2022. It contains 1 cheat codes/hints and 8 game pictures for 8 games.

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