Yakuza 0

Yakuza 0

Yakuza 0

Tokyo 1988. Getting rich is easy, the women are beautiful, and everyone wants in on the action. It's time to become Yakuza.The glitz, glamour, and unbridled decadence of the 80s are back in Yakuza 0! Fight like hell through Tokyo and Osaka with protagonist Kazuma Kiryu and series regular Goro Majima. Play as Kazuma Kiryu and discover how he finds himself in a world of trouble when a simple debt collection goes wrong and his mark winds up murdered. Then, step into the silver-toed shoes of Goro Majima and explore his "normal" life as the proprietor of a cabaret club.Switch between three...


Yakuza 0

Tokyo 1988. Getting rich is easy, the women are beautiful, and everyone wants in on the action. It's time to become Yakuza.The glitz, glamour, and unbridled decadence of the 80s are back in Yakuza 0! Fight like hell through Tokyo and Osaka with protagonist Kazuma Kiryu and series regular Goro Majima. Play as Kazuma Kiryu and discover how he finds himself in a world of trouble when a simple debt collection goes wrong and his mark winds up murdered. Then, step into the silver-toed shoes of Goro Majima and explore his "normal" life as the proprietor of a cabaret club.Switch between three...

Ryu ga Gotoku Studios
Action Adventure > Open-World
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy "Generosity of Strangers" Achievement

Once you've reached a 100% share of an area-for example, the Leisure King area-you can have a street bystander light your cigarette for you while you stand idle. Look for the people who bow to you as you pass. This can be also done on Majima's minigame, but it's faster to do Kiryu's. The man standing on Tenkaichi Street, nearby Serena, seems to do this pretty consistently. He only appears in the evening so if you're on Premium Adventure, you can change the time setting to find him.

Hiding location in Chapter 9

When you return to Kamurocho in Chapter 9, you must find a place hide. However, the game does not give you any hints or map objective markers on where to go. The only hint you get when you stand still and wait for the prompt is: "I need a place to lay low until Tachibana sends word. Where, though...?" Go to the Kazama Family Office to hide.

Money Farm

How to make money!

The Farm

At the CP Shrine there is a shakedown upgrade for Kiryu, get this.
Kind of optional but needed for never before seen results.
Get money from Real Estate Royale.
Buy knives and taurniers.
Find Mr Shakedown, Using the Encounter Finder will help (He appears as a large purple arrow on the map).
Let Mr Shakedown beat you up.
Find Mr Shakedown again.
Spam heat moves (Higher difficulties mean heat damage drops off faster so you could lower the difficulty to speed up the process).

This works due to the previously mentioned upgrade giving you 1.5x money from Mr Shakedown so if he stole 10 billion from you and you come back to beat him you'll get 15 billion.
Sadly Majima cannot get this upgrade but his business provides enough money through completion to get most if not all of the upgrades on the 3 main styles.

However at the point of no return (Chapter 17/Epilogue) you'll be able to transfer any amount of money between characters using Mr Moneybags which helps a lot since Majima needs a lot of money for The Dragon and Tiger.

Selling items

Go to Ebisu Pawn Kamurocho to sell items. Go to the far southern area of Kamurocoho city to find it in the last middle block. You can check the map for nearby shop locations. Hover over any of the colored segments to reveal the name of the store.

Transferring money and items between characters

You cannot transfer items or money between Kiryu and Majima until Chapter 6. Progress through the story until Chapter 6. You unlock the Real Estate mini-game in Chapter 6. You will get an objective to go to the Empty Lot. Follow that objective to a wealthy guy in a green suit that teaches you how to use money to district other people. He will give you two optional objectives. One is to go to the Vincent Bar in the North East of town. Go to that objective marker and speak with Fukushima, who is sitting on a bench next to the pool table. He will offer you advice on exchanging items and cash between the two characters. You are limited at first, but these limited are gradually lifted as you progress through the game. When you switch over to Majima, go to the following location to activate it.


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