Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition
Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition
Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition
Game Pictures
Game Pictures and Screenshots
We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition (Xbox One). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.
Easy EP and gold
Before creating a game, set the difficulty to one level above the level you normally play the game at (for example, if you want to play at Torment 1, select Torment 2). Once the game begins, pause the game, and lower the difficulty level by one. Then, when you are about to turn in a quest or complete a bounty, pause the game, and select the highest difficulty available (should be two levels above the difficulty you are playing at) to get the rewards of a higher difficulty without having to defeat stronger enemies.
Easy experience, money, and items
Play "The Legacy Of Cain - Explore Cellar" quest in Act I. Take the waypoint to The Old Ruins and go north, then east. Go down the cellar to encounter a named mob (Captain Daltyn) and his minions. Kill him for at least one magic item and some coins. Loot the cauldron for at least one health potion. Talk to Leah for quest completion experience and gold. A loot chest also appears 40% of the time. Exit and repeat as many times as desired. The pathway will never change, but you will keep hearing a Tristram Militia whining about how he promised to save Marko but did not. To earn XP, gold, and items quickly, start Act III: 7 - Kill Azmodan. Skip past all the enemies except for elite mobs. Defeat Azmodan, and skip the cutscene. Teleport back to the stronghold after taking its soul and your loot. Then, talk to the guard, speed through the dialog, go to the armory, and then the watchtower. Skip the cutscene, then run through the portal. Go to Tyrael, skip through the dialogue, and go through the portal. Skip through the additional dialogue, and then kill Iskatu. Repeat this process as many times as desired.
Easy life potions
When you enter an area that gives you a life potion or chest, make sure to collect them. Then, leave the game and resume it. The place where you clicked on to get the previous potion will give you another potion every time. Note: There may not be always a chest; if this happens, leave the game and resume it. Most of the time another chest will appear, and the treasure will vary from an item to gold, or both.
Easy power level for alternate characters
To power level an alternate character, simply put a high level gem on them to have them reach stats that normally are not available to low level characters. At Level 20, socket armor and weapons become plentiful. You can put on Level 60 gems to have a very powerful force, even without a high level character. If you later need to remove a gem and place it on superior gear, you can have the blacksmith break the armor or you can remove it with gold using the gem remover.
Farming experience, gold, and items
Select the Act I quest "The Legacy Of Cain - Explore Cellar" segment. Take the waypoint to The Old Ruins and go north, then east. Go down the cellar to encounter a named mob (Captain Daltyn) and his minions. Kill him for at least one magic item and some coins. Loot the cauldron for at least one health potion. Talk to Leah for quest completion experience and gold. A loot chest also appears 40% of the time. Exit and repeat. The good thing about this method is that the pathway never changes. However, you will keep hearing a Tristram Militia whining about how he promised to save Marko and he did not.