Wolf Among Us, The

Wolf Among Us, The

Wolf Among Us, The

Based on the award-winning Fables comic book series by Bill Willingham (published by DC Comics' Vertigo imprint), The Wolf Among Us is a dark, often brutally violent, and mature take on the characters and creatures of fairytale and legend. A five episode series from the creators of the 2012 Game of the Year: The Walking Dead, the player will experience what it's like to be Bigby Wolf (THE Big Bad Wolf), Sheriff of Fabletown.


Wolf Among Us, The

Based on the award-winning Fables comic book series by Bill Willingham (published by DC Comics' Vertigo imprint), The Wolf Among Us is a dark, often brutally violent, and mature take on the characters and creatures of fairytale and legend. A five episode series from the creators of the 2012 Game of the Year: The Walking Dead, the player will experience what it's like to be Bigby Wolf (THE Big Bad Wolf), Sheriff of Fabletown.

Telltale Games
Telltale Games
Adventure > Point-and-Click
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints


How to unlock

Episode 1: Faith: Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock

Episode 1: Faith: Easy "Novice Librarian" Achievement

Most entries for the Book of Fables will unlock while progressing as long as you use or look at every hot-spot. For the last entry, you must replay the last chapter in the Trip Trap bar or choose differently in another playthrough. When you have the choice to tear Grendel's arm off, choose the other action the second time. Tearing his arm off will unlock "Bigby's Vengeance", and leaving the arm intact will unlock "Bigby's Mercy". The "Bluebeard's Fable" entry can also be missed. The first chance to unlock it is in your apartment. It is the file to the left of "Chinese food". Other chances for it will appear when you talk about Bluebeard (for example, with Snow).

Episode 1: Faith: Sonic Adventures and Beatles reference

A diner Bigby walks by is named "I Am The Eggman", which is a reference to Dr. Robotnik's theme song from Sonic Adventures, as well as a verse from the Beatle's song "I Am The Walrus".


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