The Dark Pictures Anthology is a series of intense, stand-alone cinematic horror games combined with powerful storytelling and unique multiplayer modes. Each new game is influenced by real-world events either fact, fiction, or legend and features a completely new story, setting, and cast of characters. Each new game in The Dark Pictures Anthology will deliver a new cinematic horror experience playable in single-player and multiplayer including Shared Story, playable with a friend online, and Movie Night Mode, where up to five players can play together offline and pass-the-pad. Little Hope...
The Dark Pictures Anthology is a series of intense, stand-alone cinematic horror games combined with powerful storytelling and unique multiplayer modes. Each new game is influenced by real-world events either fact, fiction, or legend and features a completely new story, setting, and cast of characters. Each new game in The Dark Pictures Anthology will deliver a new cinematic horror experience playable in single-player and multiplayer including Shared Story, playable with a friend online, and Movie Night Mode, where up to five players can play together offline and pass-the-pad. Little Hope...