Saints Row 4: Re-Elected

Saints Row 4: Re-Elected

Saints Row 4: Re-Elected

Saints Row 4: Re-Elected




Cheat Codes/Hints

Alternate ending

Complete all of the following Loyalty missions.

"Girls Night Out" mission for Shaundi.
"King of the Dance" mission for Ben King.
"Nytefall" mission for Matt Miller.
"Pump Up the Volume" mission for Pierce.
"SR3 Wrap-up" mission for Johnny Gat.
"The Girl Who Beat Cyrus" mission for Kinzie Kensington.
"Training Day" mission for Asha.

Beavis And Butthead reference

In the "Breaking The Law" mission you receive the Pyro elemental. This is a reference to Beavis And Butthead. Beavis was a pyromaniac who used to say "Fire Fire" while watching things burn, and "Breaking the law, breaking the law".

Cheat Codes

Pause game play, then select "Extras", then "Cheats", then "Add Cheat". Enter one of the following codes to unlock the corresponding cheat option at the "Cheats" menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: You must manually save the game while cheats are enabled.


Cheat Codes

Go to Extras on your hub, then go to Cheats, then Add Cheat and type in the codes.

How to unlock

Chronicles Of Riddick reference

Upon killing Zinyak, Kinzie remarks that "You keep what you kill" is a classic. This is a reference to Chronicles Of Riddick, when Riddick killed the emperor who slaughtered his people.

Dead Island reference

One of Keith David's dialogue lines is "I was twelve hours into Dead Island now i'll never finish it. I can't forgive Zinyak for that".

Developer room

Enter the Let's Pretend store in New Baranec, located in southwest Steelport. Go to the rear of the store and shoot the handle on the door to the right of the checkout counter. Enter the area behind the door to find a shooting gallery with pictures of the developers. You can also find a small but powerful pistol called the Loud Locust on a chair near the doorway.

Easter Egg: Secret Loud Locust weapon and developer room

Find the Let's Pretend store in New Baranec (southwest Steelport), and go inside. You may be able to do this at any Let's Pretend store. Shoot the "Employees Only" door with any weapon until it opens. Go down the hallways and stairs to reach a secret room containing a colorful shooting gallery with images of the developers of the game. If you shoot the developers heads, they will explode into fireworks. Go into the bathroom to see a blowup doll sitting on the toilet. There is also a special weapon on the chair to the right of the entrance door called the Loud Locust. It is a tiny pistol that is very powerful. The weapon is a reference to the Noisy Cricket from the Men In Black movie. If you shoot the weapon, it will send you flying backwards, just like in the movie.

Easy "Epic Jump Quest" Achievement

Getting to the Nuke Plant in a single glide is not possible, no matter what the height of the starting jump. However, although you cannot touch the ground or rooftops, you land on the sides of buildings, telephone poles, trees, etc. Run up the sides of those structures to continue your glide. Be careful about what buildings you run up, or you might not get enough height to reach the next building. Jump from the casino and while in the air, use your mobile phone to call an airplane then fly close to the Nuke Plant.

Easy "Fist Meet Ground" Achievement

During the Hard "Super Power Beatdown" activity, the second wave is a King Of The Hill where many enemies try to attack from close proximity. There is no limit to the number of enemies in this wave. Spend some time killing enemies in this wave using your DFA power. You must complete the entire event within seven minutes for your kills to count.



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