Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, The

Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, The

Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, The

Set in a gothic-noir universe resembling a fantastical 19th century Europe filled with monsters, magic, and weird technology, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing will follow the son of the famed hunter, known in-game as Van Helsing, in a tale wrought with wry humor and snappy dialogue. Van Helsing, a larger-than-life hero possessing a dark yet romantic charm, will follow his path to the dismal land of Borgovia where former supernatural foes have enlisted his help to defeat a new scourge terrorizing the ravaged Eastern European city. With an assortment of extraordinary characters, an...


Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, The

Set in a gothic-noir universe resembling a fantastical 19th century Europe filled with monsters, magic, and weird technology, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing will follow the son of the famed hunter, known in-game as Van Helsing, in a tale wrought with wry humor and snappy dialogue. Van Helsing, a larger-than-life hero possessing a dark yet romantic charm, will follow his path to the dismal land of Borgovia where former supernatural foes have enlisted his help to defeat a new scourge terrorizing the ravaged Eastern European city. With an assortment of extraordinary characters, an...

Role-Playing > Action RPG
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
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Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the required tasks to unlock each Achievement and Gamerscore.

Kill 500 enemies.
Chicken Runner
Kill a chicken with a sword!
Coil Collector
Complete the Start the Generator quest.
Escort Master
Escort the Traveling Merchant to the Romany Camp with him taking no damage.
Expert Treasure Hunter
Loot 200 chests.
Visit all locations.
Explosives expert
Finsh the Slavage Mission quest without setting of any explosives.
Hero of the Day
Solve every side-quest in Markovna.
Complete the orichalcum shipment quest.
I'm so Hardcore!
Finish the game with a Hardcore character!
Ink Master
Visit 7 Ink locations.
Ink Walker
Visit an Ink locations.
Journeyman Treasure Hunter
Loot 100 chests.
Swim through 20 Garbage Containers.
Let loose the ghost of war
Let Lady Katarina kill a Boss.
Gain entrance to the village of Markovna with the help of Lady Katarina.
Kill 50 enemies.
Monster's Bane
Kill 5000 enemies.
Novice Treasure Hunter
Loot 50 chests.
Riddle me Wisp
Answer all the Riddle Wisps correctly (so you don't have to fight them).
Complete The weapon shipment quest.
Spotless Defense
Defend the Lair without a single enemy getting in.
Visit 3 different locations.
Eliminate Fulmigati's doomsday machine.
Viva la Resistance!
Solve every side-quest in the Helsing lair.
What's in the bag?
Take 20 pieces of loot from the Domovoy on the Gorgon Pass.

Easy "But they are so cute!" achievement

You and your allies cannot kill a single Igor, out of the many that appear in The Old Town and The Gables. In The Old Town and The Gables, switch Katarina to Ghost-form so she does not kill an Igor by accident. Also in The Old Town, do not speak with the Werewolf leader to prevent werewolf allies from killing Igors. Avoid using area of effect-skills or spells. However Igors are immune to poison and fire so those types of of area of effects are usable. In The Old Town, try to stack the Igor groups together to run around them easier. In The Gables, the path is narrow preventing you from running around the Igor groups. Instead you will have to pass through the groups. Be careful to not attack when surrounded with Igors. In both The Old Town and The Gables, use low-damage weapons so that several hits will be required to kill an regular Igor. By doing this, if one is injured you can exit to the menu then resume to have the Igors regain their health.

Easy "I'm the Hardcorest!" achievement

Use the Ethereal Embodiment trick to remain invincible for three seconds, followed by hitting Town portal immediately. This will reset aggro but will not work inside Ink and special maps. Use this along with Ghastly shape to dash out of traps and through enemies that can body block you. This becomes available after killing the drill worm. Make sure to save the game frequently. Note: There are two ways of recharging your skills at no risk. Use the Sphere of Timelessness and remain idle. Allow your other skills or potions recharge before resuming combat. If all of your escapes are recharging, pause game play and exit to the menu. Then resume the game and use Ethereal Embodiment immediately to get out of combat. This is possible because all of your skills are recharged each time you exit to the menu. This option is very useful in Inks and special maps that do not allow Town Portal use. Note: The health of all remaining enemies will also be restored. Try to kill your current target(s) before exiting to the menu.

Easy "Spotless Defense" achievement

Play as a thaumaturge and repeatedly use the Blizzard skill. All enemies will take damage, not just those under the cloud. Construct as many traps as possible, focusing on one area of the maze. Consider using "monster in a box" type traps along with fire traps. After a total of about twenty five traps are ready move to the other area, with only a few traps placed there. The concentration of traps in that single area can take out all enemies. The remaining traps in your area should suffice to keep it protected for you to take out anything that gets through.

Easy "Unmovable Object" and "Unstoppable Force" achievements

Select the Hunter class and go to the Industrial Port. Search for a Hookbeast and wait for it to charge. In mid-charge, stop time with the Sphere of Timelessnes trick as close as possible to the Hookbeast. This should allow you to get a few good ranged hits before the sphere expires and get a critical hit. If you did not land one, exit to the menu and choose to resume the game. Your skills will be recharged again.


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