All you have to do is enter the password TGL and then press END and you can play through the entire game skipping the walking portions. At the and of the round you are awarded power-ups to automatically advance to the next stage!
Use this code to get to point (25,0) on the map.
jGn9 dqK7 ?Wm5 xO64
c5xg aRam QlJg Kmbg
When you encounter a chip that is stuck between two boxes at a 45 degree angle, try to get the chip by standing between the two boxes and forcing your way through. You'll get the chip, but your character won't be able to walk through the boxes and the chip won't disappear. You can get infinite chips this way, but you cannot go over your chip limit.
While on the overworld, you'll know if you've entered a mini boss room when music starts to play as you enter. After a short time, pyramids will begin appearing to close you in while you fight the mini boss.
By standing at the very edge of the room, the pyramids will appear under your character. After the mini boss appears, you can skip the fight by simply walking off of the wall that was supposed to be keeping you locked inside, then proceed to simply leave the room.
Enter all capital ''J''s for your password. You will end up in one of the red areas of the game without the proper keys to leave. You have a very small life bar, but many of your weapons are highly upgraded.