Guardian Legend, The

Guardian Legend, The

Guardian Legend, The

Long ago, in a distant galaxy, an alien race sent a huge world - called Naju - hurtling toward Earth, loaded with a cargo of mysterious lifeforms. During the long journey, these creatures have multiplied and become increasingly evil - and now Naju teems with evil. However, deep within this complex globe are self-destruct mechanisms that can be activated to destroy it before it reaches Earth. Now, you must battle your way deep within Naju's labyrinths to destroy it. You are the guardian of Earth and your saga will become The Guardian Legend!


Guardian Legend, The

Long ago, in a distant galaxy, an alien race sent a huge world - called Naju - hurtling toward Earth, loaded with a cargo of mysterious lifeforms. During the long journey, these creatures have multiplied and become increasingly evil - and now Naju teems with evil. However, deep within this complex globe are self-destruct mechanisms that can be activated to destroy it before it reaches Earth. Now, you must battle your way deep within Naju's labyrinths to destroy it. You are the guardian of Earth and your saga will become The Guardian Legend!

Compile, Broderbund
Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Vertical
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Action sequences only

Enter TGL followed by all spaces as a password. All adventure sequences will be skipped.

Arcade Mode

All you have to do is enter the password TGL and then press END and you can play through the entire game skipping the walking portions. At the and of the round you are awarded power-ups to automatically advance to the next stage!

Arcade Mode


Hold down A + B then hit the ''RESET'' button on your NES.
Access Sound Test
Right when you finish the first flying level (when you enter the 1st room of the labyrinth) hold Select and press B repeatedly.
View Storyline

Display game text

Complete the first action sequence and enter the first labyrinth room. Hold Select + B to display all text in the game, starting with the introduction.

Get to point (25,0)

Use this code to get to point (25,0) on the map.

jGn9 dqK7 ?Wm5 xO64
c5xg aRam QlJg Kmbg


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