Cyber Tiger
Cheat Codes/Hints
Alternate Tiger's appearance
Select Tiger as a character, then change his name to "Prodigy".
When you select your character, press the A button to edit the player. Highlight "Edit Name" and press the A button. Enter these names to get extra characters:
Character - Code
Little Mark in 70's outfit - Brat
Billy in "TW Fan" shirt - Cybertw
Elvis biker - Delvis
Ghost Miner - Golddgr
Vanilla Ice - Ice
Cindy - Instyle
Tiger in 70's outfit - Liltiger
Little Mark in 80's outfit - Marko
Tiger in 80's outfit - Prodigy
Kimmi - Rapper
Inga in flower power outfit - Retro
Tracy in leopard skin - Safari
Starr - Starr
A Bengal Tiger - Tigerrrr
Alien - Ufo
Billy in white shirt - Willi
Control ball
Hold the Analog-stick in the desired direction while the ball is in the air. Hold Analog-stick Up to make the ball fly or roll further. Hold Analog-stick Down to keep the ball from rolling too far.
Keep power-ups from driving range
Use the driving range and get any desired power-ups. Then, select "Quick Play" to begin a game with all the power-ups were already collected.