Cyber Tiger
Game Pictures
Game Pictures and Screenshots
We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Cyber Tiger (Nintendo 64). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.
Alternate Tiger's appearance
Select Tiger as a character, then change his name to "Prodigy".
When you select your character, press the A button to edit the player. Highlight "Edit Name" and press the A button. Enter these names to get extra characters:
Character - Code
Little Mark in 70's outfit - Brat
Billy in "TW Fan" shirt - Cybertw
Elvis biker - Delvis
Ghost Miner - Golddgr
Vanilla Ice - Ice
Cindy - Instyle
Tiger in 70's outfit - Liltiger
Little Mark in 80's outfit - Marko
Tiger in 80's outfit - Prodigy
Kimmi - Rapper
Inga in flower power outfit - Retro
Tracy in leopard skin - Safari
Starr - Starr
A Bengal Tiger - Tigerrrr
Alien - Ufo
Billy in white shirt - Willi
Control ball
Hold the Analog-stick in the desired direction while the ball is in the air. Hold Analog-stick Up to make the ball fly or roll further. Hold Analog-stick Down to keep the ball from rolling too far.
Keep power-ups from driving range
Use the driving range and get any desired power-ups. Then, select "Quick Play" to begin a game with all the power-ups were already collected.