Super Monkey Ball 2

Super Monkey Ball 2

Super Monkey Ball 2

AiAi, MeeMee, Baby, and GonGon are on a roll again. Super Monkey Ball 2 brings the party to a whole new level with six brand new party games, six revamped party games, a new Story mode, and 150 new main game stages. In the new Story mode, you'll fight as AiAi to stop the evil plans of the deranged scientist, Dr. Bad-Boon and his mysterious sidekick. But Story mode is just the beginning--you'll want to grab some friends and get groovin' with the 12 new party games. With its new modes, enhanced graphics, and exciting multiplayer features, Super Monkey Ball 2 is keeps your party guests going...


Super Monkey Ball 2

AiAi, MeeMee, Baby, and GonGon are on a roll again. Super Monkey Ball 2 brings the party to a whole new level with six brand new party games, six revamped party games, a new Story mode, and 150 new main game stages. In the new Story mode, you'll fight as AiAi to stop the evil plans of the deranged scientist, Dr. Bad-Boon and his mysterious sidekick. But Story mode is just the beginning--you'll want to grab some friends and get groovin' with the 12 new party games. With its new modes, enhanced graphics, and exciting multiplayer features, Super Monkey Ball 2 is keeps your party guests going...

Amusement Vision, Sega
Amusement Vision
Miscellaneous > Party / Minigame
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Change the main menu music

Unlock all of the mini-games, then the menu music thay plays at the beginning will change.

Get a secret boost at the start of a race

To get a boost at the start of a race in the monkey racing party game, hold down the Control Stick, then just before the race starts, push up and press A. If you did it right, you'll get a boost like the CPU. This is useful since you won't have to catch up with the CPU's every race.

Gift Menu

After getting all of the Party Games. A new option will appear in the Options menu. The new menu allows you to buy more lives, movies, or the Staff Credits Game.

Hidden level

This is a secret level that may have been used as a test level.1. You will need to create another data for the game or insert a new memory card.2. Go into the main game menu and then into story mode.3. Select world 1-1. As soon as the level starts, pause and then hit exit game.4. Go to practice mode and select world 1-1 again. As soon as the level starts, pause and exit again.5. Go to challenge mode and select advanced. As soon as advanced 1 starts, pause and exit.6. Go back to practice mode and go to where advanced 1 is. Make sure you are highlighting the level.7. Press L. This will take you to beginners mode. You wont be highlighting anything but you will have a level name. It should be ~ ~.8. Press A and you are on the secret level. It is really just a square platform with a goal in the corner but it is still cool to get to.

Hidden Modes/Stages

To access the modes give, follow the methods below.

How to Unlock
Advanced Extra stages (10 Extra stages)
complete all 30 stages of Advanced Mode without using a continue.
Beginner Extra stages (10 Extra stages)
complete all 10 stages of Beginner Mode without using a continue.
Expert Extra stages (10 Extra stages)
complete all 50 stages of Expert Mode without using a continue.
Master Extra stages (10 Extra stages)
complete all 10 Master Mode stages without using a continue.
Master Mode (10 Master stages)
complete all 50 Expert stages AND all 10 Expert Extra stages without using a continue.

Play Point Record

After unlocking all Party Games, you will have access to the Gift menu. However, once you unlock all 99 monkeys, all 12 movies and the Staff Credit game, you will unlock a feature allowing you to keep a record of the number of Play Points you have achieved in one Challenge Mode game. The maximum amount possible is 17,080, which can be obtained by starting a game in Expert mode and clearing every single level including bonus levels without using any warps, all the way through the last level of Master Extra.

How to Unlock
Play Point record table
Unlock all items in Gift menu

Unlockable Monkey Bowling 2 Levels

To unlock the other two Monkey Bowling 2 Levels in Special Mode, you must complete the level before it with the given minimum score.

How to Unlock
Advanced Level
Get a score of 120 or higher in Beginner Mode
Expert Level
Get a score of 120 or higher in Advanced Mode

Unlockable Party Games

How to Unlock
Monkey Baseball
2500 points
Monkey Boat
2500 points
Monkey Dogfight
2500 points
Monkey Shot
2500 points
Monkey Soccer
2500 points
Monkey Tennis
2500 points



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