Unlock all of the mini-games, then the menu music thay plays at the beginning will change.
To get a boost at the start of a race in the monkey racing party game, hold down the Control Stick, then just before the race starts, push up and press A. If you did it right, you'll get a boost like the CPU. This is useful since you won't have to catch up with the CPU's every race.
After getting all of the Party Games. A new option will appear in the Options menu. The new menu allows you to buy more lives, movies, or the Staff Credits Game.
This is a secret level that may have been used as a test level.1. You will need to create another data for the game or insert a new memory card.2. Go into the main game menu and then into story mode.3. Select world 1-1. As soon as the level starts, pause and then hit exit game.4. Go to practice mode and select world 1-1 again. As soon as the level starts, pause and exit again.5. Go to challenge mode and select advanced. As soon as advanced 1 starts, pause and exit.6. Go back to practice mode and go to where advanced 1 is. Make sure you are highlighting the level.7. Press L. This will take you to beginners mode. You wont be highlighting anything but you will have a level name. It should be ~ ~.8. Press A and you are on the secret level. It is really just a square platform with a goal in the corner but it is still cool to get to.
To access the modes give, follow the methods below.