Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal

Pokemon Crystal

Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Pokemon Crystal (Gameboy Color). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints


In the back of each puzzle room in the ruins of Alph is a word formed by Annons (Unowns). They require you to do things in order to get into a back room. In one place, you must equip a Water Stone. In another, you must put Houou (Ho-Oh) first in your lineup. In another you must use an Escape Rope. In another you must use Flash. Once in the back room, pick up the items and fall down the hole to find a room with a message about Annon/Unown. Fall down the hole there to return to the Annon/Unown shrine.

Another HM

This tip requires two gameboys-One with pok'emon Crystal and the other with pok'emon Blue,Red,or Yellow-If any of you haven't noticed Pok'emon Crystal doesn't have the HM dig anywhere but it had this HM in the older pok'emons.To get this HM back,you are going to need to get the HM in one of the older pok'emon games and then teach it to one of the older pok'emon.After doing this you are going to need to trade it to the newer Pok'emon Crystal version.(This HM is really handy in hard caves that you can't get out of and if you're out of escape ropes. It also helps in battles because the enemy automatically misses once,stopping moves like rollout etc. from getting stronger)

Be better than your rival

This will only work if you have 2 GBC's and 2 Games. (Or you use a friends) Start the game and get the starter pokemon you want. Then trade it to your other game and restart your game. Then if you got the fire type, get water this time, if you got water, get grass, if you got grass, get water. Now trade back the starter pokemon you got earlier. Now your rival will have the opposite type pokemon as you so you will have an advantage and hey, you get to starter pokemon.

Blue Psyduck!!!

Go to Goldenrode City and go north until you see grass going horizontal from the right. Walk through the grass until you see a Bug Catcher. Walk back and forth in the grass until you see a Blue Psyduck!

Breeding/Evolving Pokemon

Breed two Pikachus to get Pichu.
Breed two Electabuzzes and you get Elekid.
Breed two Clefairies and you get Cleffa.
Breed two Jigglypuffs and you get Igglybuff.
Breed two Magmars and you get Magby.
Breed a Venonat with a Pinsir to get Pinsir.
Breed a Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee with a Ditto to get Tyrogue.
Breed a Clefairy with a Snubbull to get another Snubbul.
Breed a Gyarados with the Red Gyarados to get a golden Magikarp.


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