Naruto: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshu 2

Naruto: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshu 2

Naruto: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshu 2

The hit series on Cartoon Network is back for more on Nintendo Game Boy Advance with NARUTO: Ninja Council 2! Delivering solid side-scrolling, vertical or horizontal ninja action for 1-4 players the students of Kakashi are being challenged to become the greatest ninjas in the village. Naruto and his teammates are determined. With every new survival challenge thrown at them, they must decide who is best suited for the battle and use teamwork to make it past the toughest of enemies. The spontaneous bravery of Naruto isn't always the best choice; sometimes it requires the consistent skills of...


Naruto: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshu 2

The hit series on Cartoon Network is back for more on Nintendo Game Boy Advance with NARUTO: Ninja Council 2! Delivering solid side-scrolling, vertical or horizontal ninja action for 1-4 players the students of Kakashi are being challenged to become the greatest ninjas in the village. Naruto and his teammates are determined. With every new survival challenge thrown at them, they must decide who is best suited for the battle and use teamwork to make it past the toughest of enemies. The spontaneous bravery of Naruto isn't always the best choice; sometimes it requires the consistent skills of...

Aspect, D3Publisher
Action > Beat-'Em-Up > 2D
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Misc. Unlockables

How to Unlock
3rd Hokage Scroll
Beat the game twice with all A's
Rock Lee
Beat the game once.

Play Gambunta vs Shukaku mini game

When you are in the level where you are looking for Gaara, get Sakura and Sasuke killed. Then contiue as normal with Naruto. When you beat Gaara in his sand shell you will play the mini game.


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