Bubble Bobble

Bubble Bobble

Bubble Bobble

Bubble Bobble


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Bubble Bobble (Gameboy Color). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Level passwords

Level - Password

1 - BBBB
2 - CBCB
3 - DBBD
4 - FFBB
5 - GGBB
6 - HBHB
7 - JBBJ
8 - KKBB
9 - LLBB
10 - MBMB
11 - NBBN
12 - PPBB
13 - QQBB
14 - RBRB
15 - SBBS
16 - TTBB
17 - CCBB
Boss - VVBB
18 - FCCC
19 - FDBC
20 - GFBC
21 - JCCG
22 - JBCH
23 - LJCC
24 - MCKC
25 - NCCL
26 - PMCC
27 - QNCC
28 - RCPC
29 - SCCQ
30 - TRCC
31 - VSCC
32 - WCTC
33 - DBDB
34 - XBXB
Boss - FCBD
35 - GDBD
36 - JCDF
37 - KGCD
38 - LHCD
39 - MDJC
40 - NCDK
41 - PLCD
42 - QMCD
43 - RDNC
44 - SCDP
45 - TQCD
46 - VRCD
47 - WDSC
48 - XCDT
49 - GBCF
50 - HFCC
51 - JCFD
52 - JBFF
53 - KGBF
54 - LHBF
55 - MFJB
56 - NBFK
57 - PLBF
58 - QMBF
59 - RFNB
60 - SBFP


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Information provided on this website is for educational and personal use only. As we are unable to test every cheat code/hint that we provide, please use them at your own risk.