Til Morning's Light
Set in a haunted New England mansion afflicted by a 200-year-old curse, Til Morning's Light is a touch-based, action adventure game focused on exploration, puzzle solving and combat. After a teenage girl named Erica is locked inside the mansion by bullying schoolmates, she soon discovers she is in a race against the clock and must figure out how to break the curse by dawn to avoid spending eternity in the mansion. Using the Fire phone's Dynamic Perspective to aid in her investigation of the mansion and its artifacts, players guide Erica through a single, fright filled night complete with...
Set in a haunted New England mansion afflicted by a 200-year-old curse, Til Morning's Light is a touch-based, action adventure game focused on exploration, puzzle solving and combat. After a teenage girl named Erica is locked inside the mansion by bullying schoolmates, she soon discovers she is in a race against the clock and must figure out how to break the curse by dawn to avoid spending eternity in the mansion. Using the Fire phone's Dynamic Perspective to aid in her investigation of the mansion and its artifacts, players guide Erica through a single, fright filled night complete with ghosts, strange creatures and a host of mysteries to solve.