Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001

Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001

Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001

Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001 is an Action game, developed and published by Capcom, which was released in Japan in 2001.


Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001

Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001 is an Action game, developed and published by Capcom, which was released in Japan in 2001.

Action > Fighting > 2D
Release Date (JP)



Cheat Codes/Hints

Boss battle

Beat both Shin Gouki and God Rugal in the Arcade Mode. Then highlight Arcade Mode, hold X+Y, then confirm. Release X+Y after you see the Player Select Screen.

Boss challenge mode

Boss challenge mode becomes available under the following two conditions. Both hidden Bosses (God Rugal, Shin Gouki) must already be defeated and unlocked. Hold X + Y while selecting arcade mode.

Change Team Order Before Match

Before each match, the VS. screen will show portraits of your fighters, each of them labelled ''1'', ''2'', or ''3'' (in the order you originally selected them.) You can change the team order by selecting the first *and* second members of your team. Obviously, if you only have two members on your team you don't have to choose the second member.

To choose the first team member: press LP+LK for fighter ''1'', MP+MK for fighter ''2'', HP+HK for fighter ''3''.

To choose the second team member: repeat the above step.

You can press ''Start'' (or do nothing) at any time to stop changing the order. When you press ''Start'', your remaining team slots will be filled in the order the characters were originally selected.

Character specific dialogue/taunts

Enter these codes after winning a stage

Makes a character say something specific to the opponent
Hold Start + FP
Makes a character talk with a team member
Hold Start + FK

Extra options

Clear Boss challenge mode with no continues. The "Extra Option" becomes available in the game.

Extra Options in Color Edit Mode

While editing your characters colors, press the start button and a new set of hidden editing options will open on the left hand side of the screen.

Fight Mini-Bosses

Satisfy all of the following conditions:
- get at least 800 points
- never get hit by more than 5 first hits in any match
- have at least 2 CC finish or Super finish

Geese/Vega will appear after the 4th match ( the match before the final round )

Finest KO

Counter a super move with a special move, counter a special move with a level 3 super, counter a super move with a super move, or finish an opponent with a level 3 super during a taunt.

Hidden Bosses

Hidden Bosses can be used once they have been defeated. The conditions of the Bosses to appear are to fulfill two out of the following three conditions. If you play with a Capcom groove you will get God Rugal, and if you play with a SNK groove you will get Shin Gouki.

Achieve over 1500 GPS by the end of the game.
Defeat the Middle Boss (Geese or Bison/Vega).
Achieve at least one Finest KO.

Hint: 99 hit combo

Once everything is unlocked, set your Super Bar to "Infinite" in extra options mode. Select Rock in any mode and choose the P Groove (Custom Combo Groove). When you fight, press HP + HK for Custom Combo, trap your opponent in the corner, and do the Rising Tackle. When your move is being executed hold Down. When you touch the ground, press Up + HP to execute another Rising Tackle. Repeat this until you get a 99 hit combo or your opponent loses. Note: This can also be done with Terry.



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