


Hop Q*bert up and down the steps of a "three-dimensional" pyramid, changing each step's color as he lands. Complete the entire pyramid, and Q*bert moves to a more challenging pyramid. But look out! The crafty arcade creatures are here, too, and they're after Q*bert. Hop out of danger fast - or soar to safety on a flying disc. But watch where you move Q*bert. One hop off the pyramid and he'll be lost in space!



Hop Q*bert up and down the steps of a "three-dimensional" pyramid, changing each step's color as he lands. Complete the entire pyramid, and Q*bert moves to a more challenging pyramid. But look out! The crafty arcade creatures are here, too, and they're after Q*bert. Hop out of danger fast - or soar to safety on a flying disc. But watch where you move Q*bert. One hop off the pyramid and he'll be lost in space!

Western Technologies, Inc., Parker Brothers
Western Technologies, Inc.
Action > Arcade
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Better scoring

Use all the floating platforms and lure Coily to fall off. Do not save the platforms for their bonus turn-in at the end of the level. Killing Coily is worth more than those awarded for saving the platforms.

Extra Points

Jump to the top of the pyramid then wait for Coily to jump to one of the cubes directly below. Press Up/Right to jump off the pyramid just when he is ready to jump to your cube. Coily will also jump off and points will be awarded. However, Q*bert will not lose a life.

Jump Through Enemies

With careful timing it is possible to jump through Coily or a Red Ball and land on the cube that your opponent previously occupied. This must be done just as your opponent is about to jump to your current location.

Jump through the snake

Get just one square away from the snake and jump toward it at the same time that it makes its jump. If you time it right, you will jump right through the snake without any harm.


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