You Must Build A Boat
EightyEight Games
Cheat Codes/Hints
Get 70 entries in Woodward's Library list.
Try and clear the board a little when you get to the second and third sections of dungeons.
Easy "Ironed out the kinks" Achievement
You must complete the game twice times to reach ace level three. When you complete the game, restart to gain an ace level. Depending on your ace level, Agneti (the garden girl) will reward you with some gifts: if you are ace level three, she will cover your boat in iron.
Easy "Skill Beats Gear" Achievement
"Jail" is the third area you will travel to. Do not purchase anything from the blacksmith (bottom of the boat), the mage (middle of the boat) or the monster recruiter (top of the boat) during the first two areas. To travel to a new area, you have to complete all challenges for your current area. Then, select the monsters that you use to start a run, then select the arrow at the top of the menu. Note: Some of the challenges can be difficult without new gear.
Faster matches
When you make a match, it takes a moment for the tiles to actually break. The tiles will light up and shake, then shatter to allow the tiles above them to drop. You can interact with other tiles while your current match is breaking, between the lighting up and the shattering. This allows you to play faster and save time. You can also "catch" dropping tiles for use in your next match.
Gameplay Tips
Just because you've completed your quests doesn't mean you should abandon your run.
Upgrade your things often, you're going to need it.
Try and clear the board a little when you get to the second and third sections of dungeons.
More Cheats, Tips, Secrets & Walkthroughs
Just because you have completed your quests does not mean you should abandon your run.
Upgrade your things often, you are going to need it.
Upgrade Adventurer
Upgrade your adventurer frequently. For example, make attack and magic tiles stronger, increase defense and shield capacity, improve spell items' abilities, and increase food recovery. As soon as you can afford an upgrade, purchase it. As one class of upgrade becomes too expensive, focus on other areas. However, the most expensive upgrade is not always the best. Check the bonuses an upgrade will convey by checking the top of the screen for the green plus sign.