Chains of Durandal

Chains of Durandal

Chains of Durandal

Long ago there was an age of magic and steel, an age when creatures roamed unchecked throughout the land. Once rich and fertile, Aega was ravaged as the creatures battled to claim these riches for themselves. Fearing the struggle might rage for all eternity, the Seven Sages sacrificed themselves to bind the creatures in magic chains.Despairing at the ceaseless quarrel, the Seven channeled all their magic into a binding spell, trapping every living creature of Aega in a deck of cards. And peace reigned over the land... for a time.Chains of Durandal is an epic trading card game pitting players...


Chains of Durandal

Long ago there was an age of magic and steel, an age when creatures roamed unchecked throughout the land. Once rich and fertile, Aega was ravaged as the creatures battled to claim these riches for themselves. Fearing the struggle might rage for all eternity, the Seven Sages sacrificed themselves to bind the creatures in magic chains.Despairing at the ceaseless quarrel, the Seven channeled all their magic into a binding spell, trapping every living creature of Aega in a deck of cards. And peace reigned over the land... for a time.Chains of Durandal is an epic trading card game pitting players...

Mobage, Inc.
Mobage, Inc.
Miscellaneous > Board / Card Game
Release Date (US)

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We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Chains of Durandal (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Chains of Durandal (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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