XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Threatened by an unknown enemy, the Earth's governments unite to form a secret paramilitary organization, known as XCOM, to combat this extraterrestrial attack. As the commander of XCOM, you control the global defense team and its resources in a battle against the terrifying alien invasion. XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a reimagining of X-COM, the classic strategy game from 1993, and developed by the award-winning creators of Civilization. You will control the fate of the human race by creating and managing a fully operational base, researching alien technologies, planning combat missions, and...


XCOM: Enemy Unknown

Threatened by an unknown enemy, the Earth's governments unite to form a secret paramilitary organization, known as XCOM, to combat this extraterrestrial attack. As the commander of XCOM, you control the global defense team and its resources in a battle against the terrifying alien invasion. XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a reimagining of X-COM, the classic strategy game from 1993, and developed by the award-winning creators of Civilization. You will control the fate of the human race by creating and managing a fully operational base, researching alien technologies, planning combat missions, and...

Firaxis Games, 2K Games
Firaxis Games
Strategy > Turn-Based > General
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy "A Continental Fellow" achievement or trophy

Take note of your starting location or keep a saved game file at the global map each time you are almost finished with a game in order to keep track of which locations you have already completed. Play under the easy difficulty setting and use second wave options. Because this must be done within the same game, either Enemy Unknown, or Enemy Within, select the one you have more completions with. If you choose Enemy Unknown, you can flank and overwatch an enemy and they will remain stationary (unless one of your soldiers is also flanked, in which case they will get shot). This cannot be done in Enemy Within. Use the Slingshot pack to get an advantage early on by capturing a live Muton and studying plasma weapons to get research credit for them. Additionally when you complete the final mission you can make the Blaster Launcher if you have enough fragments. The best method to get superhuman soldiers is to use the second wave option "Not Made Equal". Have the "Instantly promote to squaddie" and "Iron will" upgrades and hire at least seventy soldiers. Examine them and only upgrade those whose Aim is at least 80 and Will is at least 50 (60 recommended). Use them to build a squad that hits often and can mind control an enemy frequently. It is also possible to use the psycho test to get all "gifted" troops. Place three men into the test chambers, save the game, allow the test to complete, note the names of the ones that are gifted, reload the saved game, remove the non-gifted men, and repeat until you find three gifted soldiers. You can them spend some time upgrading them to max Psi level.

Easy "Angel of Death" achievement or trophy

Have one of your soldiers wearing Archangel Armor. The soldier must kill an enemy while flying. Archangel armor is an expensive late game armor that must be researched first. It helps the wearer to fly. Wearing Archangel Armor on a Sniper class soldier with Squadsight ability is the easiest way to earn ""Angel of Death".

Easy "Bait the Hook" achievement or trophy

This requires "The Slingshot Content Pack". If Zhang has been part of anything completed, this achievement will be available. This is a Unique Council mission that is part of the DLC, and can be done under any difficulty setting. When selecting a squad, consider that the follow-up mission aboard the alien battleship will start after Confounding Light's completion and not allow time for wounded soldiers to recover. The mission has a ten turn time limit. Activating transponders will not extend the time limit. Your squad must advance quickly enough to place all four transponders and reach the train's control console within that time limit. Reaching the control console with your last action in the last turn will still be a failure. Eliminating all opposition is not required to complete the mission. Aliens who are not an immediate threat should usually be ignored to focus on the transponders. Only one soldier needs to reach the train's controls. A Sniper with Damn Good Ground and Low Profile can hang back and take advantage of high ground and low cover by climbing the ladder at the rear of the train, then advancing slowly along the roof. An Assault with Lightning Reflexes can be used to counter the aliens' frequent Overwatch use. If possible, consider replacing a Sniper or Heavy with a second Assault, as Run & Gun may also be useful. A Support with the Sprinter ability may be also do well. Keep a Heavy with a rocket in reserve to clear the control room quickly; a pair of Thin Men occasionally will be holed up inside. Damaging the train during the mission is allowable.

Easy "Lone Wolf" achievement or trophy

  • Progress until near the end of the game under the Classic difficulty setting. Note: You will need to save and reload the game frequently. Use a sniper in a flying suit, preferably with Psionic abilities and the Double Tap ability. Equip him with a plasma rifle and wait for the small alien craft to appear. Shoot it down so some aliens will die and save some time. At the start of the mission, fly up with the jetpack and move towards the alien craft. The Double Tap ability will help you to kill two enemies in one turn, and the flying suit will help kill them from a distance. However an Etherals can mind control you. Frequently saving and reloading will solve this issue.
  • Select the Classic difficulty setting. If available, use the "Second Wave" option "Save Scum" to allow new seeds if you get a bad outcome. Develop and build the Hyper Wave Relay and have Colonels. The Hyper Wave Relay lets you know exactly what will be encountered at a crash site, and thus avoiding getting surprised by Etherals. Do this against a Small Scout, which typically has between five to twelve aliens on board. Foundry should also have been built. Play as a Heavy with Ammo Conservation to minimize reloads and Deep Pockets to carry extra grenades. Also set up with Bullet Swarm (shoot twice), Shredder Rocket (extra rocket), Rapid Reaction (second shot on Overwatch after a hit), Grenadier (with Alien Grenades), Rocketeer (additional normal rocket). Equipment should include Heavy Plasma, Blaster Launcher, and Titan Armor. If playing with Enemy Within, also consider Neural Dampening, Hyper Reactive Pupils, and Forget the Meld.
  • Play under the Classic difficulty setting with Ironman mode turned off. At the start, shoot down a small UFO with only Sectoids and a Commander. Save the game before sending in your Sky Ranger in case the map has a bad layout. If you die you will lose your auto-save. Select Squaddie Heavy to be the lone wolf. A medikit can be useful, but a grenade will be more effective. Save the game upon landing to scout, then reload if you need to change the layout. Try to find a map featuring two groups of two Sectoids and a Commander, with them spread far enough out so you can engage just one group at a time. When ready, approach the first group of Sectoids. When it is their turn, one will usually Mind-assist the other. If you are well placed, it will usually miss. Reload and try a different approach if needed. Then, shoot the assisting Sectoid as this will kill the other one as well, then repeat the process for the other pair of Sectoids. Use the grenade if necessary, but save your RPG for the Commander. The Commander has more health and will usually survive after the being shot. Keep far enough back so that after he moves, you can still see him, but he will miss you on his turn. You will require a full turn to fire the RPG. You can survive being shot once; use the medikit to help you continue, or use the grenade to finish the kill.

Easy "OVERGRILL" achievement

 The Bulldozer must be on fire for about ten seconds. This can be done in the Cook Off job on Overkill. Wait for him to enter the house.,then flame him from behind the kitchen counter. Have support with Molotov cocktails from upstairs to keep him on fire.


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