Ultimate Fox Simulator

Ultimate Fox Simulator

Ultimate Fox Simulator

Ultimate Fox Simulator


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Ultimate Fox Simulator (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

How to fly fast!

Okay so first you go in the water when you first start, for me I just needed to swim around for like a minute or two and I jumped onto the shore where the shallow water was and run around and I noticed that the up and down buttons were still there, and they worked good for climbing or trying to go fast in water, so you click the speed as quickly as you can while you jump in the water and also click the up button, and you can fly quickly.

How to turn into to a flying fox

To fly first you have to go into any nearby area of water and walk into it then walk out of the water, then look on the right bottom corner of your screen and tap on the arrow that is pointing up, I recommended you to go near hills and run really fast and then tap on the arrow to make really look like you're flying.

How you can fly

In ultimate fox simulator, when you go into the water, there are buttons to go up and down in the water. Once you get out of the water, those buttons will still be there. Run, jump, then right after jumping in midair press the button to go up, and keep holding it. HINT:When you are in the air, when the run button is toggle of, you can turn around when flying, but not with the run button toggle off.

My fox can fly

So how to make your foxy fly is too (and maybe you know this already)

1. Go to any body of water that is deep enough to get your fox to swim.

2. Swim around for a bit till you go to shore but keep in the water where your fox is still swimming get close and jump out of water and land on shore ( may take a few times but you will soon get it! :p ) now once your out of the water you will notice that your swimming icon buttons are not gone! ; p now for the fun! press on jump icon button and then press up on your up water icon button and you WILL go higher and higher up ( to a certain point of course !) but funny enough other baddy's and pray will not see ya coming and if you land and press the attack icon button you will do a perfect stealth attack! and also you can go faster while in flight mode just press your fast icon button but it will decrees speed and you will sometimes fall to the earth again...

Also it works differently on other devices like you has to wile in water u got to jump when in it then press up and go fly to shore and u still got the icons... but ya there ya has it the fox can fly glitch hope it works on all devices that you guys got have fun! and please leave any comments about what you think and questions on it and I will try to answer to the bet I can too...

Pouncing Perfect and XP

1. Target an animal smaller than you.
2. Attack it.
3. Tap on the red dot in the center of the target.
4. It will say 'perfect pounce!' and give you xp.
5. Animal is in mouth.
6. This levels you up faster.


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