




Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Rymdkapsel (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints


Construct similar buildings close together to save time. For example, place the garden near the kitchen, and have that near the quarters. Build your weapons rooms close to a monolith so that minions will not travel far to reach them. Place one weapons room each per quarter. If you do not have enough weapon rooms, you will have minions that are unable to offer defense. Keep your base compact. It will be easier to defend and manage.


Quickly build your way to a monolith, then concentrate on a another one. You must keep up the pace due to the increasing speed of enemies with each wave. Each monolith gives you a special boost. Start with the speed monolith to speed up your minions. Then, build the monolith that slows down your enemies. Follow that with the monolith that offers a boost to attack range. Finally, choose the extractor bonus monolith.


Keep your resource generating rooms near one another. Keep them optimized because of the slow speed of your minions. Keep building extractors. Keep at least two extractors running in the event one runs out.


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