Mad Skills Motocross 2

Mad Skills Motocross 2

Mad Skills Motocross 2

Mad Skills Motocross 2


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Mad Skills Motocross 2 (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

General strategies

  • Instead of tapping the brakes to get past tough spots, simply release the accelerator. Using the brakes often forces you to lose too much momentum, and your lead in the race. For example, when encountering a series of small bumps, raise your wheel slightly as you pass over them to keep your speed.
  • Execute air tricks only when you know that it will not cost you first place. Make sure you can land the stunt before attempting it.


Become skilled doing wheelies to make winning races and beating the ace time easier. This also includes landing correctly, based on the obstacles that are ahead. Lean forward when you need to get speed or when you need to balance. A bad landing will probably cost you the race.
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