Legacy Quest

Legacy Quest

Legacy Quest

Legacy Quest


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Legacy Quest (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints


You have two hand slots available in your equipment screen. They correspond to your main hand and offhand weapons. Try to equip them to keep your damage per second as high as possible. You can also equip the same weapon in both your main hand and offhand. This change your attack animation and may not increase your damage. Check your weapons and always slot the most powerful ones.

Avoiding damage

The small looped arrow near the attack button allows you to dodge. When you dodge, your character quickly rolls in the direction they are facing. Use it to avoid damage. It has a short cooldown and can be utilized often. This is especially important when facing Bosses that have area of effect attacks. An orange glow reveals where the attack will land.


Earning a three star rank for a dungeon requires a very high score. To do this, build a large combo. When you kill an enemy, a score multiplier will appear at the top. A blue bar will appear below it and begin to drop. Kill another enemy before the blue bar disappears to increase your combo multiplier by one. This will score your next kill with extra points. Continue attacking and when an area has been cleared out, immediately move to the next one.


The first skill you have is Whirlwind, which is an area of effect attack centered on your character. Move to the center of a large group before using it to get the best result.


Skulls are the game's premium currency. Complete the five daily quests to get skulls as a reward. Skulls can be used to purchase inventory upgrades, premium items, and other helpful things.


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